ERIKA MORITSUGU, DEPUTY ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND AA/NHPI SENIOR LIAISON: Anti-Asian Hate and the Economic Challenges affecting our China towns

On September 25, 2021 from 3 pm-5 pm PST, Erika Moritsugu — President Biden’s Deputy Assistant and Asian-American/Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AA/NHPI) Senior Liaison and the highest-ranking AA/NHPI member of President Biden’s staff — will engage in a conversation with the panelists below. Let’s work together to stop anti-Asian hate. The White House is listening.

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More AAPI webinars on September 24-25:


Opening Remarks by Assemblyman David Chiu


• Erika Moritsugu: Deputy Assistant to President Biden and Asian-American/Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Senior Liaison

• Nancy Tung (Moderator): Community Advocate

• Carl Chan: President of Oakland Chinatown’s Chamber of Commerce

• George Q. Chen: Founder/Chairman of restaurant China Live

• Cynthia Choi: Co-Director Chinese for Affirmative Action

• Anni Chung: Executive Director of Self-Help for the Elderly

• Lily Mei: Mayor of Fremont

• Daniel Wu: Actor

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