BRI 硅谷青年論壇邀請函
BRI Silicon Valley Youth Forum Invitation
Face to face with Asian American Youth Leaders –
公民責仼 公益爱心 共創超越 共担使命
Civic Responsibility, Public Welfare, Joint Transcendence, Shared Mission
時間:1/26/19 下午3:00-5:00
Time: 1/26/19 Saturday 3:00-5:00pm
地点:方李邦琴基金会(608 N. El Camino Real,San Mateo CA 94401)
Place: Florence Fang Foundation (608 N. El Camino Real, San Mateo CA 94401)
Purpose: Identify, recruit, and train Asian American youth elites with leadership potential, provide them with guidance and development as individuals within our group environment so they can gradually become ready to be the leaders in various industries in the United States.
Goal: Gather talents to express voice of the generation in the name of youths. Expand into a platform of promotion and development for youth leaders.
嘉宾Guest Speakers:
Andrew Yang – Entrepreneur, Founder of Venture for America, 2020 Presidential Candidate
David Wang – President and Founder of Social Diversity for Children Foundation (SDC), Consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers
Sanjeev Saxena – serial entrepreneur and the founder of POC Medical Systems, “The most Innovative CEO’s of 2018”
主辦方Sponsor:侨路基金会Bridge Road International (BRI)Foundation 。
協辦方Co-sponsors:欣欣青年部Shin Shin Youth Group、翰林青年部Hanlin Youth Group、Civic Leadership USA.
支持方Supporting Organizations:硅谷青年交响乐团Silicon Valley Youth Orchestra, 蓝丝带基金会Social Diversity for Children Foundation, 硅谷青年扶轮社Interact Club of Silicon Valley, 硅谷女性青年部Youth Group of Silicon Valley Women’s Association, 天目基金会Tianmu Foundation, 華体会North California Chinese Culture-Athletic Federation, 青狮会Leo Clubs California District 4-C4 …
Contact info: 510-449-9557; 415-309-1769; 925-997-7410