
Change Is the Only Constant in Life

June 1st, 2021
Dear all: 
Thank you for your interest and partnership in civic leadership development and unity/coalition-building among AAPI communities. As you may know, Civic Leadership USA (CLUSA) has frozen most of its international grant-making in 2020-2021 and is in the process of re-examining our current national grant marking strategy and developing a new RFI/RFP process in response to all of these changes in the country.  
To prepare for the transition, our board decided to outsource the 2021 internship grants administration to the Civic Leadership Academy (CLA), a new nonprofit that we supported. Thus, CLUSA will be able to focus on developing new funding guidelines for 2022. Our board is expecting more comprehensive grant programs that focus on civic leadership development and unity/coalition-building among AAPIs and beyond. 
To assure a smooth transition, the 2021 internship grant program administration and monitoring will be handled by the same program team that spins off to CLA for continuity as of June 1, 2021. As the CLUSA will launch brand new grant guidelines & RFP process of 2022 this fall and will need a new infrastructure and consultant team in strategic grantmaking. In the meantime, we are conducting various Requests For Information (RFI) meetings with current and potential strategic partners around the country to listen and shape future guidelines that are more relevant and responsive. (Diverse in Leadership and Inclusive in Participation). More details will be announced this fall. Stay tuned. 
Anthony Ng 
Executive Director
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