2019 National Civic Leadership Forum

United for A Better Future – The Joint Statement At the 2019 National Civic Leadership Forum

On September 15-18, 2019, National Civic Leadership Forum (NCLF), over 70 different AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islanders) organizations representing more than 10 different ethnic groups met to discuss key civic issues that face our community. This was a momentous occasion of unity and collaboration unimaginable even a generation ago.

AAPI increasing demographic representation, collective economic impact, and professional/civic achievements present a powerful and timely opportunity for full-scale civic engagement. Many AAPI candidates are running for political leadership positions including the United States Presidency in 2020.

The gathered AAPI leaders have decided that it is time to call for full-scale civic engagement which includes volunteerism, donation, social advocacy, community service, voter registration and political participation at local, state, and national levels. This is a process of self-empowerment that we learn from the experiences and lessons of all other immigrant groups.

Before this signing ceremony, meticulous hours of preparation have gone into crafting a unifying statement that such a diverse group of AAPI organizations could buy-in and offer their unanimous support. Led by the NCLF delegates, CLUSA (Civic Leadership USA), APAPA (APAPA HQ – Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs), UCA ( United Chinese Americans 美国华人联合会) and many other AAPI organizations, a group of 13 delegates worked tirelessly to craft the attached statement in the declaration of AAPI Unity.

This signing ceremony as witnessed by Ding Ding TV – Silicon Valley Innovation Channel and a dozen invited media will present a powerful and indelible image that will be forever etched into the minds and annal of American History and a powerful symbol that AAPI have finally arrived in our country.

The 4th Annual 2019 National Civic Leadership Forum in Washington, D.C is presented by APAPA and CLUSA, covered by Ding Ding TV.

2019 National Civic Leadership Forum

Empower AAPI Voters by Will Lim & Julie Wu

Trailer: Asian American & Pacific Islander Civic Leadership Summit- Stepping up to 2020

The 2019 Silicon Valley Asian American & Pacific Islander Civic Leadership Summit is a special community event bringing together community-based organizations, public officials, activists, legislative staff, professionals, and students.

With a theme of “Stepping Up to 2020”, anticipated outcomes of the 2019 Civic Leadership Summit will include identification of issues affecting our community, AAPI community involvement for a 2020 Census complete count and voter registration, and increasing civic participation.

Keynote: BUILDING AAPI CIVIC CAPACITY by Dr. Karthick Ramakrishnan

Summit Event: Keynote Speech, 12:50 pm Building AAPI Civic Capacity

Dr. Karthick Ramakrishnan, Director, Center for Social Innovation

Dr. Ramakrishnan introduced the Center for Social Innovation (CSI) at UCR (UC Riverside) and described the work they do. CSI promotes collaborative research, policy innovation, and narrative change in the inland region (away from the high tech coastal area) of California. CSI tries to understand and to realize the potential of the inland region’s civic activities and to promote philanthropic investments in the nonprofit sector.

CSI has coined the term DNA as an acronym for Data and Technology, Narrative Change (Framing, storytelling, messaging) and Action (Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Social Enterprise) to describe the work that they do. By studying immigrant status in the inland California areas, CSI hopes that the new data will help community service providers to address local needs and assist the lawmakers to use these data to work on immigration policies in the region.

Dr. Ramakrishnan pointed out that 1/7 of Asian Immigrants are undocumented and that” there are many troubling findings about perceptions and barriers related to Census 2020 among communities of color”. ”Asian Americans were the least likely of any racial group to report that they intended to complete the survey form. Only 55% of Asian Americans said they were “extremely” or “very” likely to fill out the Census form, compared to 69% of Whites, and 65% of Latinos, and 64% of Blacks.”

Asian Americans were also the least likely to express familiarity with the census and are the group most likely to say that their answers to the Census “will be used against them.”


Dialog with Joel Wong at Asian American Leadership Summit 2018 (Produced by DingDingTV)

Dialog with Tiffany Chang Lawson at Asian American Leadership Summit 2018 (Produced by DingDingTV)


Dialog with John C. Yang at Asian American Leadership Summit 2018 (lProduced by DingDingTV)

Dialog with Albert Wang at Asian American Leadership Summit 2018 (Produced by DingDingTV)

Dialog With Lily Chen at Asian American Leadership Summit (Produced by DingDingTV)

Greeting From Karthick Ramakrishnan at Asian American Leadership Summit 2018

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