All Boats Are Lifted When Water Rises: Asian Americans Must Work Together to Achieve Multi-ethnic Democracy

On May 3rd, the “Civic Leadership Forum” was held in Ding Ding TV. The keynote speaker, Dr. Zhang presented the importance of Asian Americans through a series of statistics. To be short, Asian Americans typically have a higher income than average but a very low degree of civic involvement. Through the kind of statistic information, audiences can understand the importance of civic engagement.
As Dr. Zhang said, “Whether one vote for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders’ candidates is a personal choice, but the increasing of political participation because of Asian Americans running for the presidency is a victory for the Asian American community.”
“All Boats Are Lifted When Water Rises: Asian Americans Must Work Together to Achieve Multi-ethnic Democracy”

对话张小彦博士 (Xiaoyan Zhang, PhD) 2018 美国华人大会 (Produced by DingDingTV)

Panel: Embracing A Pluralistic Society on 2018 UCA Convention

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