Mental Health: Stories that save lives

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Civic Leadership Forum: National Security and the Asian American Community A Two Part Series



Civic Leadership Retreat 2018 “FLY TOGETHER”

Over 65 Asian American Leaders from all over the US gathered at the Ding Ding TV facilities in Santa Clara for a day and a half of a very intensive retreat.





The attendees included leaders and representatives from CLUSA, APAPA, 80-20 United, AAUC, UCA, FAPAC, NCAPA, CAYCLI, Ding Ding TV and many other AAPI organizations.


































The participants arrived on Sunday December 2, 2018 at around noon for registration and a welcome lunch.













The sessions officially began at 1:00 PM, led by Facilitators Ana-Marie Jones and Porcia Chen Silverberg.




The CLUSA Founder and Chairman Sandy Chau declared that the “Theme” of this retreat is “FLY TOGETHER”. He explained that “People have always observed that migrating birds fly in a V formation and now scientists understand why”. An article in Science (1-15-2014) explained that these big-winged birds carefully position their wingtips and sync their flapping to catch the updraft from the bird in front—thus saving energy during flight. It makes the flying more efficient as they follow their leaders to their common destination. Furthermore, when one leader gets tired, other leaders take turns to lead the group effort in a coordinated manner.  Sandy urged all present at the retreat to learn from the migrating birds. “If you want to fly fast for a short distance, fly alone; but if you want to reach your common destiny, you must learn to fly together”.



Each leader was given 3-5 minutes to introduce themselves and their organizations, explaining why and how they may fit into the theme of flying together. As there were many leaders, this process took all afternoon and well into the next morning.




After a pretty strenuous first day, the team gathered at the conference hotel Mariani’s Inn & Restaurant for some socializing, net-working and a feast of good wine, Surf and Turf (Alaska King Crab legs and Filet Magnon) and desert. The banquet was enjoyed by all and the group energy filled up to the rafters.





The participants re-gathered at the Ding Ding facilities on Monday morning and took on the tasks of “morning reflection and thoughts” and discussion of “best practice and common grounds”.




The rest of the afternoon was spent on planning for the next steps. On a massive calendar spanning 2019 and leading up to the 2020 Presidential Elections, each leader wrote down the next steps and plans for their own organizations. The facilitators will compile the information and send it to all the attendees. Thus, everyone will have the opportunity to work and coordinate with each other.



After a scrumptious dinner of Salmon and Beef Bourguignon, the farewell party began in earnest.




Prize drawing and the inevitable Karaoke session took over the festivities. The retreat came to a crescendo with maestro Sandy Chau leading a resounding chorus of “Do You Hear the People Sing” from “Les Misérables”.









The retreat was a huge success and we want to thank the Facilitators Ana-Marie Jones and Porcia ChenSilverberg, Diana Ding and the entire staff of Ding Ding TV and Anthony Ng, the CLUSA Executive Director for bringing the event together!








Article: From Jowel Wang




这些问题恐怕成年人都要做做功课才答得上来一二,但当一群中学生就这些问题在法官和律师面前侃侃而谈时,特别是其中有几个是年仅11岁的小朋友!你是不是有点瞠目呢?正如评判法官、达勒姆地区法院法官Pat Evans所说:“孩子们,你们完全超出了我的想象!你们都可以去读法学院!”这是10月28日在北卡州达勒姆(Durham)举办的一次别开生面的青少年论坛上的场景。此次“2018选举亚裔青少年论坛”(下图)由北卡华人联合会CAFA发起主办,美国华人联合会UCA、美国公民领导力联盟CLUSA共同协办。





介绍狩猎、捕鱼修正案(Amendment about hunting and fishing) 的少年四人组。 卡布奇诺摄,家长 张德颢供图


阐述北卡政府机构(Structrue of NC Government)的小组
阐述税法修正案(Constitution Amendments About Tax)的小组




阐述公民投票权修正案( Vote Rights)的Angela只有11岁


“你们都可以去读法学院!”来自达勒姆地区法院的法官Pat Evans在听了同学们关于最高法院/上诉法院和地区法院的职能和现任法官的分析后,如此感叹道。

Epting and Hackey律师Hathaway Pendergrass和达勒姆达勒姆地区法院法官Pat Evans(右)对学生们介绍的Marcy’s law进行点评。

Evans法官说:“你们逻辑非常清晰,对每个部分的把握也很到位。美国很多人都不知道法院内部是怎么分工的。经常会跑到法院问,我的案子到底是哪管?我很惊讶,你们年纪这么小,就可以这么清楚地说出法院的管辖,法官的职责。太令我惊讶了!”“请你再重复一下,刚才提到的。”来自Epting and Hackney的律师哈撒韦·彭德格拉斯在听了Marcy’s Law Crime rights Amendment小组的阐述后,很认真地问道,“你们的研究很细致,我必须说——很有见地!”


NCAAT执行主任Chavi K Koneru,和DemocracyNC培训主任Jenn Frye点评学生们的观点(上图)。而在听到关于选举权和选举权人注册的专题时,Jenn Frye马上拿出一份报纸读起来:“有选举权,不一定可以投票哦。你一定要登记你的名字、地址,还要签署一份文件才可以投票!”
































Indiana Civic Leadership Forum Program Book

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